Saturday, February 23, 2008


Classmate portrait of Tara Ballenger

(1)use a single light
(2)use one under light, one light, one back light, and a reflector

Honestly, I am a little shy, but not much after getting into, person, so I need a certain amount of time to get to know people. I had never met Tara Ballenger before advanced technique. The first impression I got from her is that Tara is also a shy girl as I am. Her shyness suddenly reminded me of The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer.

Since I am majoring in art history, I have many opportunities to see how masters use light to make the masterpiece. Johannes Vermeer is a master of capturing sudden emotion and lighting. However, there is a secret. Art historians are confident that Vermeer used as tools both mirrors and the camera obscura. This helps him obtain the sudden emotion of the girl in The Girl with a Pearl Earring. Close examination of his paintings shows that Vermeer realized that shadows are not colorless and dark and that light is composed of colors. Thus, he painted reflections off a surfaces in colors modified by others near by.
I sometimes imagine what if he lives in 20th century.

I was a stranger to her, and she was a stranger to me. I was trying to capture something ice between people who had never met before. I luckily caught that in the first shot because it was the first shot.

The other shot after some chatting.


Anonymous said...

Hi, look here

Alicia Schamburg said...

beautiful always i think you capture such great moments! :)